His friend came with him to church for the first time. My heart always gives a teen-aged boy a little extra credit when he brings an unchurched friend with him from off the street corners where they've been hangin'. Their coming in and sitting in the back together brought me delight.
Now, why they chose to come in with the old folks like me at a prayer meeting instead of one of the youth services baffled me. I wasn't sure if they would engage well with what was going on.
So we were all a bit surprised when, as one of the older ladies expressed a prayer concern, this new kid's hand shot up in the air. Though at church for the first time, he wanted to pray for her.
Granted, I'd given my standard spiel to the group earlier in the service reminding them that prayer was simply talking with God and that we need not be worried or scared about doing so publicly. People usually pay about as much attention to that as they do safety instructions on an airplane. I guess someone was listening that night.
And the kid believed me.
His direct, heartfelt, and insightful few sentences drew to a close and he looked up at me with a "What do I do now?" expression on his face.
I said to him, "Amen?"
He grinned and said, "Amen."
And as he did, the boy who brought him opened his eyes and with a surprised look on his face pleasantly exclaimed, "He prays gooder than me!"
Like that kid, it's easy for me to be surprised when someone who is less experienced, less qualified, does something gooder than me.
I've been in church all my life. I've been to seminary and have a MA in Theology. I've been a pastor for a long time and have read and studied and prayed and served in many capacities. I have lots of experience and am qualified for the task --- just like the Pharisees and Sadducees and Scribes.
Though all these experiences and training are good and important, I can sometimes forget that these credentials are not qualifications in the Kingdom. An open and honest relationship with God, even if it's just begun after coming in off the street corner with your friend, is key.
And if I want to get gooder at what I do, then I need to remember to believe as that new kid did. Through his prayer we all knew the he believed that God is interested in hearing from him and was concerned about this stranger he was praying for. He believed that the exact words weren't as important as the fact that they were being said. He believed that he was as "qualified" as anyone else in the room to talk with God.
So on the days I get a little Pharisitic I hope God brings someone by who, when they do something surprising to me, will cause me to delightfully exclaim, "They did that gooder than me!"
Lord, teach me to walk humbly before you.
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