It's been our congregation's tradition to have a "dessert only" potluck the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving. Everyone brings sweets to share under the mantra "Protein on Thursday, Carbs Tonight!"
We got a little mixed up one fall, though, when a local merchant asked if he could donate a turkey to the church. He and his family are first generation immigrants so our verbal communication is not always completely clear. In visiting with him about his gift, I was not sure if he was giving us a frozen turkey to give to a family in need or if he was giving us a prepared turkey to eat at church. Repeated attempts at clarification only made things murkier.
So, on Sunday morning I explained the situation to the congregation. They all chuckled and nodded their heads in recognition of occasional communication issues in the corner stores. I left them with the statement, "So, for church tonight, come hungry, but not too hungry."
Actually, coming to church hungry, but not too hungry, is a good guide for me every week.
Sometimes I come to church a little too full. On the weeks I've over-studied or under exercised I find myself not wanting to feast on the Word. I'm not really that open or receptive to other people's understandings, testimonies, or needs. A little hunger changes that completely.
Of course, if the week has been all about exercise and my Bible study time has been limited to the verses printed on bumper stickers affixed to the cars speeding past me on the freeway, then I come to church so hungry that the Word offered is more than I can handle, the same way that a person who is truly starving won't be healed by being dropped off at the all-you-can-eat buffet. I need to already have some food in the system if the available nutrients are going to give me strength, wholeness, and satisfaction.
If my spirit is to be healthy, I need to spend time digesting the meat of the Gospel throughout the week. That's not to say that Sundays should be without substance. Rather, there are things that I need to spend some lengthy, personal time on. I can't fit the deep mystery of God into a 40 minute sermon so I need time to chew on it and digest small bites at a time.
By the same token, I need to be in a group of the faithful to both speak and hear the testimonies of God in our world today. They give energy and invigorate for the tasks ahead. This kind of celebration (the icing on the cake?) can only really happen in a collective group. That's not to say my personal time with God should be without praise and celebration. Rather, the Spirit's promised presence when two or more are gathered in His name is something that can't be found in the same way when I'm alone.
If I don't get some good protein mid-week by chewing on the meat of the Gospel, I won't be ready for the carbs on Sunday when we celebrate God's goodness in our lives. And if I only get the carbs on Sunday then I'll crash mid-week when they're burned up in the work of the tasks God calls me to.
Protein on Thursday. Carbs Tonight.
Of course, that particular Sunday night before Thanksgiving we were delighted when, shortly before the service, the owner of the corner store pulled up to the church. His wife and and another woman carried in a roaster with a giant steaming hot falling-off-the-bone delicious turkey for the congregation to eat.
Hungry, but not too hungry, we were able to share in the blessings of the Banquet together.
Lord, let me worship You in spirit and in truth. Help me to honor Your name.
And what a wonderful way to honor the gifts - whatever they may be!