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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


She wanted her baby to receive its sacramental blessing right away. Though they hadn't been home from the hospital very long she was eager to have it done.

The next event on the calendar was our Christmas Eve service so we decided to have the blessing then. That evening we filled the small storefront church with candles which created a peaceful light while at the same time dimming the scary and dangerous effects of the room in which we gathered.

There amid the warm glow of both the candles and the season she brought her baby for its blessing. Those gathered shared in the Spirit during that time together and congratulated the mother on the good choice she made to have the baby blessed that night.

It was a moving Christmas Eve for us all, especially since we were well aware that in a matter of days Child Protective Services would be permanently removing the baby from her mother.

Mom had already endangered the child for nine months prior to the birth due to her use of heroin. The home that she had for the baby was not a safe or healthy place even when mom was lucent.

But that night she made the right choice. She thoroughly loved her baby and did not willingly give her to the state. The choice to bring this child before God and submit to His love took great courage. Our compassion both for mother and child underscored the need put the whole situation into hands bigger and more capable than our own.

The Prince of Peace was with mom that night. He was with all of us who were both entangled and torn in the midst of this very difficult situation.

And we live in faith that His blessing continues to be upon that child, providing both a peaceful Light while at the same time dimming the scary and dangerous effects of the room in which she spent the days before her birth.

Be near me Lord Jesus I ask Thee to stay close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care. And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.


  1. Thanks, Jeff. A nice way to start the Christmas celebrations! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Love the devotional. And like the way you repeat key words from a little different perspective in your writing. Think you should try
    to get a volume of the devotionals published as a book! JR.

  3. Jeff beautiful story and one that I'll pass on. God bless you brother.
